Dear School Community,

I am excited to write for the new edition of our newsletter during these very unique and challenging times. We started Term 3 with face-to-face teaching and moved to remote learning one more time after the third week. These transitions are not easy to adapt to for everyone, particularly for students. However, I am pleased to observe that most of our students adjusted well to the new normal and they and our parents are doing a great job.

We are in the middle of the term and I would like to share some items with you.

Remote Learning and Support Classes

The daily schedule of remote learning and the support classes have already been shared with you. Please make sure that your child attends those sessions and completes the daily tasks. Establishing a daily routine and arranging a quiet space with a table are crucial. I am sharing the visual tips with you as a reminder.

Parent Teacher Interviews

We held parent teacher interviews last week. It was the first time that the interviews took place online and I believe these interviews helped to strengthen communications between parents and the school and have positive influences on the students’ learning. We have already shared the online link with you when you booked your appointments. If you missed your appointment, please call the school to arrange another Zoom session with your child’s teacher.

Scholarship Applications

As mentioned in the letter, which was sent to all parents, the scholarship applications for 2020 and 2021 are opened until the end of this term. The link is below.

Make sure that you attach the relevant documents to support your application. The outcomes will be released in Term 4. Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you need any assistance.


Mr. Adem Engin